- Same old story
- Same old story in which a client presents a generalized representation of the situation or problem. Marker words include never, always, constantly, and forever.
何時も同じ古い話はクライアントが状況や問題を一般化して表現します。特徴的なワードには、決して、毎回、常に、ずっと などがあります - To help clients who tell the same old story, counselors prompt clients to move from generalizations and clichés by elaborating the unique content of their stories and then consider the meaning of this content and the feelings aroused by the meaning.
- Same old story in which a client presents a generalized representation of the situation or problem. Marker words include never, always, constantly, and forever.
- Untold story
- Untold story in which a client dissembles or omits a significant element from the narrative.
語られざる物語はクライアントが物語から重要な部分を隠したり除いたりします。 - To help clients who omit important elements of their stories, counselors may ask clients about something that from the counselor’s understanding of the story is absent yet implicit.
- Untold story in which a client dissembles or omits a significant element from the narrative.
- Unstoryed emotions
- Unstoryed emotions in which a client’s narrative expresses strong feeling without an obvious cause. The feelings lack context and personal meaning.
物語のない感情ではクライアントが明白な理由なしに強い感情を表現します。その感情には文脈的にも個人的な意図も見当たりません。 - Counselors curious about the presence of strong feelings absent meaning usually use active listening and empathic responding (Carkhuff, 1969).
- Unstoryed emotions in which a client’s narrative expresses strong feeling without an obvious cause. The feelings lack context and personal meaning.
- Changing story
- Changing story in which emergent meaning signals that a client may be in the process of transforming or changing. The narrative may include phrases such as “I just recalled” or “I am not sure this is important but…”
変化する物語は新たな意味の出現によりクライアントが現在変容または変化の途上にいることを知らせてくれます。その物語には、「思い出したばかりです」や「これが重要かどうかはわかりませんが…」などのフレーズが含まれる場合があります。 - As stories change, counselors may try to establish a line of continuity from past through present into the future by inquiring about the problem’s background, that is, other elements that underlie the situation existing at the beginning of the main narrative.
- Changing story in which emergent meaning signals that a client may be in the process of transforming or changing. The narrative may include phrases such as “I just recalled” or “I am not sure this is important but…”
- Empty story
- Empty story in which a client tells a dramatic story that focuses on external events without any feeling.
空虚な物語ではクライアントはドラマチックな物語を語りますが、何の感情も無しで外部の出来事としてフォーカスしています。 - With a story lacking feelings, counselors try to determine if the client is trying to avoid anxiety and tension. With these clients, counselors move sensitively and slowly into feelings by establishing a secure basis for client trust and building a holding environment to contain the pain.
- Empty story in which a client tells a dramatic story that focuses on external events without any feeling.
- Conflict story
- Conflict story in which a client is perplexed by feelings or goals that conflict with each other.
葛藤の物語ではクライアントが互いに相反する感情や目標により混乱しています。 - Regardless of the transitional narrative’s form, to propel problem solving and goal setting counselors eventually must use empathic responses to help clients explore their present feelings as well as discuss the unmet needs and unstated meanings that prompt these emotions.
- Conflict story in which a client is perplexed by feelings or goals that conflict with each other.
The counselor is now ready to co-construct shared goals for counseling. As Abraham Lincoln once noted, “a goal wellset is half achieved.”
次のCareer Construction Interviewの後に、あらためてこのカウンセリングの正念場の再構築、目標設定、アクションプランの共構築があるようです。