第3章はキャリア構築インタビュー(CCI:Career Construction Interview) の章です。ここではインタビューの内容と意味を一つ一つ丁寧に説明をしています。
The topics address role models; magazines, television programs, or websites; current favorite story; frequent saying or motto; and early recollections.
- Role Models ロールモデル
- Question
- Who did you admire when you were growing up? Who were your heroes/heroines? I am interested in learning about three people, other than your mother and father, who you admired when you were about six to nine years old.
子供の頃、誰に憧れていましたか?あなたのヒーロー/ヒロインは誰でしたか? 6歳から9歳くらいの頃に憧れていたお父様とお母様以外の3人位の人物に興味があります。 - Please give some personality characteristics or descriptions. Counselors press until the client produces some adjectives and nouns that describe the model’s psychological make-up. They are sure to get at least four characteristics for each role model.
- Who did you admire when you were growing up? Who were your heroes/heroines? I am interested in learning about three people, other than your mother and father, who you admired when you were about six to nine years old.
- Tips
- If a client responds that mother or father was a role model, then counselors ask for someone else. Parents are taken in as heteronomous influences in comparison to role models who are taken on as autonomous identifications.
クライアントが母親または父親がロールモデルであると答えた場合、カウンセラーは他のロールモデルを尋ねます。両親が他律的な影響として受け入れられることに比較して、ロールモデルは自律的な認識として受け入れられます。 - Usually, I ask a simple question from attachment research: Give me three words that describe your mother. Then I ask for three words for father. Occasionally, if suggested by the transition narrative, I ask for a fuller description of parents.
通常、私はアタッチメント理論から簡単な質問をします。「あなたの母親を表す三つの言葉を教えてください。」その後、父親についても同様に三つの言葉を尋ねます。場合によっては、転機の物語から示唆された場合、より詳しい親の説明を求めることもあります。 - If after trying, a client cannot think of any role models from early childhood, counselors may ask about role models from middle childhood or even early adolescence.
- If a client responds that mother or father was a role model, then counselors ask for someone else. Parents are taken in as heteronomous influences in comparison to role models who are taken on as autonomous identifications.
- Question
- Magazines, Television, Websites 雑誌やTV番組あるいはWebSite
- Question
- Do you subscribe to or regularly read any magazines? After counselors have elicited three favorite magazines, they interrogate each one to uncover a client’s interests.
あなたは雑誌を購読していますか、または定期的に読んでいますか?カウンセラーは、お気に入りの雑誌を3つ引き出した後、それぞれに質問してクライアントの興味を明らかにします。 - “What attracts you to …?” 「… の何が魅力的ですか?」
“How do you find … interesting?” 「… のどういうところが興味深いですか?」
“What appeals to you in …?” 「どこが面白いですか?」
“Why do you prefer …?” 「… を好む理由は何ですか?」
“What do you like about the magazine?” 「その雑誌の好きなところは何ですか?」 - If a client has no favorite magazines or the counselor seeks more information about interests, then counselors ask about television programs. “Are there any television shows that you watch regularly?” Is any television show appointment TV for you?” As usual, counselors ask for three examples.
クライアントにお気に入りの雑誌がない場合、またはカウンセラーが(クライアントの)興味関心についてさらに情報を必要とする場合には、カウンセラーはテレビ番組について質問します。「定期的に見ているテレビ番組はありますか?」「あなたが予約しているテレビ番組はありますか?」通常どおり、カウンセラーは 3 つの例を尋ねます。 - A few clients neither read magazines nor watch television; or if they do, they do not have any favorites. In this case, counselors ask for favorite websites: Which internet websites do your visit regularly?
雑誌も読まないしテレビを見ないクライアントがいます。見てもお気に入りがない場合があります。 カウンセラーはお気に入りのウェブサイトについて尋ねます。「定期的に訪れるインターネットのウェブサイトはどれですか?」
- Do you subscribe to or regularly read any magazines? After counselors have elicited three favorite magazines, they interrogate each one to uncover a client’s interests.
- Tips
- The goal is not to survey or inventory shows or reading materials, it to determine the type of vicarious environments an individual prefers.
その目的は、調査や目録作成、資料の棚卸しではなく、個人が好み依存する環境の種類を判断することです。 - Make sure to identify the actual interests that prompt preferences for magazines, television programs, websites, or games. Have clients explain in their own words what attracts them to the activities or objects.
- The goal is not to survey or inventory shows or reading materials, it to determine the type of vicarious environments an individual prefers.
- Question
- Favorite Story 最近のお気に入りの物語(本、映画)
- Currently, what is your favorite story from a book or movie? Tell me the story.
現在、本や映画で好きな物語は何ですか? 物語を教えてください。 - In asking the question, emphasize “currently” or “right now.” Career construction theory views scripts as sources of adaptability and flexibility in new settings or stages.
- Currently, what is your favorite story from a book or movie? Tell me the story.
- Favorite Saying ことわざやモットー
- What is yourfavorite saying or motto?
好きなことわざや座右の銘は何ですか? - If a client cannot think of a favorite saying, then ask, Would you be willing to make one up now?
- What is yourfavorite saying or motto?
- Early Recollections(以降ER)幼少期の回想
- What are your earliest recollections? I am interested in hearing three stories about things that happened to you when you were three to six years old.
一番古い記憶は何ですか? 3歳から6歳までの頃に起こったことについて、3つの話を聞きたいです。 - When a client is finished communicating each ER counselors ask, If you were to assign a feeling to that memory, whatfeeling would it be?
- What are your earliest recollections? I am interested in hearing three stories about things that happened to you when you were three to six years old.
If a counselor can ask only one question, then this is it. Answers to this question provide the characters and attributes that the client used as a blueprint for self-construction.
- Role Models Goal:クライアントの自己構築と自己概念を特定します。
- because selecting role models is the very first career choice that individuals make.
ロールモデルを選ぶことが個人の最初のキャリア選択だからです。 - Answers to this question provide the characters and attributes that the client used as a blueprint for self-construction.
この質問に対する回答が、自己構築の青写真に用いる登場人物の性格と特性を示します。 - During late adolescence, individuals integrate these attributes or identity fragments into an initial vocational identity.
- because selecting role models is the very first career choice that individuals make.
- Magazines, Television, Websites Goal:クライアントが関心を持つ環境、活動、およびモノの種類を特定します。
- This is because interest involves a psychosocial connection between a person and an environment.
何故なら、関心が人と環境の間の心理社会的つながりを含むからです。 - This is CCC’s method for examining client’s occupational resemblance, congruence, and correspondence.
- This is because interest involves a psychosocial connection between a person and an environment.
- Favorite Story Goal:クライアントが転機の成り行きを思い描くために使いそうな物語や文章を知ります。
- Understand the stories or cultural scripts that a client may be using to envision the transition outcome.
クライアントが転機の行く末を思い描くのに使えそうな物語や教訓を知ります。 - Implicit in the favorite story may be an incipient plan for the next episode in their life story.
お気に入りの物語には、人生の次の脚本の初期の構想が暗示されているのかもしれません。 - Asking for a client’s “all-time” favorite movie may access an overarching theme rather than a current scheme.
- Understand the stories or cultural scripts that a client may be using to envision the transition outcome.
- Favorite Saying Goal:クライアントが自分自身に与え続けているアドバイスを学びます。
- A favorite saying articulates the best advice that a client has for herself or himself.
好きなことわざが、クライアントが自分自身のために持っている最良のアドバイスを明示してます。 - The advice typically bears directly on the problem described in the transition narrative and usually makes immediate sense to both the client and counselor.
- A favorite saying articulates the best advice that a client has for herself or himself.
- Early Recollections Goal:転機の課題をクライアントがどんな視点で見ているか知ります。
- Typically, the first ER alludes to the perspective from which the client views the career problem.
- Typically, the first ER alludes to the perspective from which the client views the career problem.